This thought crossed my mind as I was adjusting my database and building out an excel spreadsheet to enable a fantasy cycling league administered by my good self...
But despite this I am proposing the following, an auction based fantasy cycling competition based around a points system tweaked slightly from PCS and consisting of all 2.1 and higher races from across the globe for the whole season. The difference between PCS's rankings and mine are I have amalgamated WT one day race points for simplicity, downgraded lower places in 1.1 one day races and lowered the worlds TT points as I think they are over stated.
The league will be H2H with a fixture list drawn up randomly by me, I have split up the season into 46 race "weeks" and therefore we will need 24 teams. However if there is less interest then I will adjust to the number of entrants much like the scottish football divisions.
This doc HERE has the season schedule and my points system.
There will be rounds of auctions before the season starts where sealed bids will be submitted for your chosen riders and the highest bid will get the rider. There will be a budget of 100 and your team will not be allowed to go over this budget in the pre season auction rounds. When submitting your bids you will assign a preference order so if you win too many bids and your team goes over budget or number of riders this is how the riders you end up with will be determined.
Before the first deadline, I will randomly assign each team a number between 1 and 24. This will determine which team will win the auction for a player if there are two bids that tie for the highest amount. The lower of the two numbers will win. After each round, the order will reverse, i.e. the team that was assigned 24 at the start will become 1 for the 2nd round of bidding, and team 1 at the start will become team 24.
The minimum bid is $0. If you bid $0 for a player, if no other team makes a bid for that player, you will win the auction and get the player for free.
Bids can be made in increments of 0.1. So, a bid of $4.5 or $4.6 would be acceptable, but a bid of $4.55 is not.
There will be 5 transfer windows through the season at crucial stages (marked in yellow on the googledoc), the mechanics of which I will detail later once teams are established.
I am proposing 24 teams of 12 riders each, £10 entry with prizes for League places 1 (£100), 2 (£40), 3 (£20), an overall season long prize in terms of highest score of £50 and a TDF winner prize of £30.
I will have a team of my own in this league and will operate the auctions through a segregated email address so I won't see your bids before the deadline and I will submit my bids to a neutral party on the deadline or just to twitter itself so you know I'm not putting all this effort in to win £100... If I do win one of the prizes I'll give it to one of the blog charities anyway.
Thanks for reading and if your interested in taking part or have questions contact me on twitter.
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